Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Series 2 - Clown #4 - LGBT Liberty 'Freedom to Marry'

Yes, that's right, I'm one of those many in unquestionable support of marriage equality, freedom to marry, LGBT rights, and Love winning over all. Humanity over religious dogma. If you disagree with these integral values, that's fine, but keep it elsewhere, away from me and my work. Thank you.

Now that that is cleared up for any who could possibly be confused, let's move on.

Recently, in Lancaster, PA, we celebrated a city-wide festival for our historic town, and the cultural diversity housed within it. We call it Celebrate Lancaster!, and serendipitously, the morning of the festival, I woke to the wonderfully shocking news that our country made a staggeringly progressive move and legalized freedom to marry nationwide! 

Then there was Gay Pride.

And now, for the beginning of July, we're coming up on the exciting annual 4th of July weekend, for which I forecast another positive and festive few days.

So, here's my contribution for the Mad Cap Credo in recognition of a minority and the under-acknowledged achieving what they deserve, at long, long last.

After all, this illustrated monthly installment - series 2, is all about "the way of wise fools and punk pierrots, romantic rogues, butch mavericks, and reinvented femme fatales; the indivisible soul, the willing rapscallion. The artful bad-ass." In all forms.

Initially 'LGBT Liberty', I went with a painted, flesh and blood version of our symbolic statue of Liberty's visage. The rainbow is an obvious symbol on the subject at hand. And of course the doves of peace and partnership bearing what is most intentionally a violet infinity shape from two air-born ribbons.

Freedoms should always be paramount.

And celebrate for others!

For questions, ideas, or interest in purchase, contact me directly HERE.
Until next month,
As always,


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