Sunday, February 1, 2015

Clown #11 - Je Sui Charlie

On January 7th, Charlie Hebdo publication of France was assaulted with terrorist violence, and quality creatives and staff were murdered for their work's expression.

In response, not only the nation, but the world, raise their pens and pencils, brushes and markers, as a sign of support for the right to free expression, free speech, and the enduring power of the "pen" over the "sword"...

Fellow creatives and free-thinkers, sympathizers and loved ones, have all done their part to share in the response to the attack on culture. We all have.

For the following month's Clown, I chose a noble 'Strong-Man' archetype raising up the pencil - as so many French mourners did in Paris - for the country, for the world, and for the good power of the creative voice.

And a note from me from January:

Respect - Here's to true artists, free-thinkers, humans of liberty; the pen, or paintbrush, is indeed mightier than the sword, in the end.

"...Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light; I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night..." -From 'The Old Astronomer (To His Pupil)' by Sarah Williams

#CharlieHebdo - Charbonnier, Wolinski, 'Tignous' Verlhac, Cabut, Maris, Honore, Renaud, Ourad, Merabet, Brinsolaro - I honor you. These are my tools, my weapons of choice.
#peace #art #liberty 

Until next month!
Check out my other WIPs and connections in the meantime, to your right!

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